PUBlic Affairs round up November 2022

In a regular series for WB Online, and the last round up of 2022, the CAMRA Campaigns team shares the work that has been going on across Westminster, the devolved parliaments and local government in support of consumers, pubs, clubs, cider and perry.
Here’s a reminder of how our last round up started:
“In our last update we reflected on how we were heading into the summer parliamentary recess, but there were still plenty of things to keep us busy during the downtime.
“Within a couple of weeks, the prime minister had announced his intention to resign, the trickle of stories about the energy bill crisis facing the hospitality sector turned into a flood, and news of a delay to the Alcohol Duty Review was announced.”
In hindsight, we hadn’t even scratched the surface of “busy” and we’re keeping our fingers crossed that we don’t come to regret this statement when we sit down to write the first update of the new year.
With all the chaos in the world of politics, you could be forgiven for forgetting the very real and serious situation facing the licensed trade – rising costs, inflation, sky high energy bills and uncertainty on government support past April next year.
When governments are changing and ministers reshuffled, it’s more important than ever to make sure that issues affecting pubs, clubs, brewers, and cider makers are in MPs inboxes.
If you haven’t emailed your MP ahead of the Autumn Statement yet, we’ve created an easy tool for you to do that here
Truss government
We congratulated Liz Truss on her appointment as prime minister (PM) and called on her and her government to implement swift help with energy bills. You can read our press comment here: Energy price cap needed from new PM to stop £20 pints or pub closures: CAMRA - CAMRA - Campaign for Real Ale
We wrote to the (then) new chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng, and the Exchequer secretary Felicity Buchan, welcoming them to their positions and asking them to work with the licensed trade to provide energy bill support and to progress the Alcohol Duty Review reforms.
Shortly after Liz Truss formed her government, an announcement on energy bill support was scheduled.
Ahead of the announcement, we wrote the (then) new secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Jacob Rees-Mogg MP, listing more than 40 case studies of increasing energy bills for pubs, some of which resulted in closures.
We also started our e-lobbying ahead of the anticipated Mini Budget, which included headline asks on energy bill support, implementation of the Alcohol Duty Review and business rates reforms.
You can read the press release and letter here: 1000s of drinkers demand energy bill help to save nation’s locals as long-term pub closures double - CAMRA - Campaign for Real Ale
The announcement included a unit cost cap for businesses. You can read our reaction statement here: Energy help will keep wolves from the doors of UK’s pubs and breweries: CAMRA - CAMRA - Campaign for Real Ale
National Mourning Period
Shortly after the energy announcement, the death of Her Majesty the Queen was announced. We paused our e-lobby and released guidance for branches on campaigning activities during the National Mourning Period.
Mini Budget
Following the National Mourning Period, we resumed our e-lobbying ahead of the Mini Budget.
The e-lobby focused on:
– immediate and ongoing support on energy bills for hospitality businesses, including brewers and cider makers for the same duration as the domestic energy price guarantee.
– bringing forward the Alcohol Duty Review reforms as quickly as possible, with the new draught duty rate applying to containers of 20L and above.
– cutting VAT for on-trade food and alcohol.
– reforming the business rates system to remove the current unfair burden on pubs.
Our reaction comment following the Mini Budget is here:
Key announcements affecting pubs, clubs, brewers, and cider makers were:
– freeze to general alcohol duties.
– alteration to the draught duty container threshold to include containers of 20L and above.
– a commitment to consult on the technical definition of cider (with reference to minimum juice content).
Ellie attended a one-to-one meeting with the (then) new Exchequer secretary Felicity Buchan MP and the Treasury team following the Mini Budget to discuss the announcements and our reaction.
Alcohol Duty Review
As part of the Mini Budget the Treasury published its response to the last round of consultation on the Alcohol Duty Review and opened a further technical consultation and Small Producer Survey.
Alongside this, the draft legislation for the Finance Bill has been released. This revealed, under current wording, takeaway sales of draught beer will be illegal unless the retailer has a repackaging licence (which would normally only be held by producers or excise warehouses).
We are working with SIBA and the Treasury to find a solution that:
– allows pubs and clubs to continue making incidental draught takeaway sales.
– allows takeaway draught sales to continue in the off-trade, through the supply of draught containers that general duty has been paid on.
We are promoting the Small Producer Survey on social media.
We have also put together a briefing note for branches on key aspects that they might want to mention if they are submitting responses to the consultation.
We would also like to thank the branches that have taken time to respond to the Treasury’s consultations on alcohol duties in the last couple of years: Ayrshire and Wigtownshire; Birmingham; Bolton; Brighton and South Downs; Bristol and District; Burton-on-Trent & South Derbyshire; Derby; Durham; Hinckley & Bosworth; Keighley and Craven; Leeds; Liverpool and Districts; North London; Slough, Windsor, and Maidenhead; Sunderland and South Tyneside; Tendring; Trafford and Hulme; West Kent; Wyre Forest.
Medium Term Fiscal Plan
Following the sacking of chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng and the appointment of Jeremy Hunt there was a brief statement confirming that most of the Mini Budget was being reversed.
This includes scrapping the planned freeze in alcohol duty, although the Treasury has confirmed here that the planned changes as part of the Alcohol Duty Review (including the preferential rate of duty for draught beer and cider) will still go ahead.
It was also announced that there will be changes to support with energy bills for both domestic and business customers beyond April 2023, with a review looking at how any business support beyond this date can be targeted at those most affected.
Our response is here: CAMRA comments on the Chancellor's statement on the Medium-Term Fiscal Plan - CAMRA - Campaign for Real Ale
The new chancellor Jeremy Hunt confirmed that the Medium Term Fiscal Plan would still take place on 31 October.
We relaunched our e-lobby ahead of that expected fiscal event, with a focus on getting MPs to write to the new chancellor about the issues currently threatening the licensed trade.
The key policy asks are:
– extending the energy support scheme for businesses to cover the hospitality sector beyond the initial 6-month period.
– cut VAT for on-trade food and alcohol.
– properly reform the business rates system to remove the current unfair burden on pubs (England-only).
New PM and key ministerial appointments
Despite the appointment of the new chancellor, Liz Truss was forced to resign. Despite this, the chancellor signalled that he would continue to prepare for the fiscal statement, so we made the decision to continue our e-lobbying.
Following an expedited leadership contest, Rishi Sunak emerged as the winner. We issued a comment congratulating him. You can read that here:
Our key stakeholders in the government are now:
– Jeremy Hunt MP Chancellor (reappointed).
– James Cartlidge MP Exchequer secretary to the Treasury.
– Grant Shapps MP secretary of state for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).
George Freeman MP and Kevin Hollinrake MP have been appointed minister of state and parliamentary under secretary of state at BEIS, but their ministerial responsibilities have not been confirmed yet. It is likely that the Pubs Code, consumers, and hospitality businesses will be included in one or split between their briefs.
We are still waiting for confirmation of ministerial responsibilities in the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs in relation to Deposit Return Schemes.
We will write to newly appointed ministers to welcome them to their roles and introduce CAMRA.
Autumn Statement
Shortly after Rishi Sunak’s Cabinet reshuffle, it was confirmed the Medium Term Economic Plan scheduled for 31 October would be rolled into a fuller Autumn Statement on 17 November.
We have extended our plans for e-lobbying accordingly, and more than 8,000 emails have been sent to MPs (thank you if that includes you!). The e-lobby is online here.
Minimum juice content for cider
Following promising results from YouGov polling, we did some press work as part of the Great British Beer Festival, highlighting calls for an increase in the minimum juice content of cider for tax purposes. You can see the press release here: Consumers back changes to legal definition of cider to help save orchards - CAMRA - Campaign for Real Ale
All-Party Parliamentary Pub Group – secretariat provided by CAMRA
Several meetings with industry members have been set up for the chair to discuss the cost-of-business crisis and the steps the group and its members can take.
All-Party Parliamentary Beer Group
Group chairman Mike Wood MP has been appointed as a government whip. This means he will be standing down as chairman. Mike has been a great supporter of many of CAMRA’s campaigns during his tenure and before taking up the post. This was mainly relating to taxation and business rates, most recently throwing his weight behind the campaign for a new draught duty rate as part of the Alcohol Duty Review. We will write to thank him for his efforts during his time leading the group.
Cross Party Group on Beer and Pubs – secretariat service provided in part by CAMRA
The Cross Party Group (CPG) on Beer and Pubs met with environment minister Lorna Slater MSP to discuss the Deposit Return Scheme. The minister listened to concerns from the industry and about the impact the DRS will have on consumer choice but insisted that the scheme was going ahead.
Discussions and lobbying will continue to make sure the Scottish Deposit Return Scheme is fit for purpose and to reduce the impact on small producers and consumer choice.
The group held a pub quiz event between teams of MSPs, staff, journalists and industry colleagues in October at the Tolbooth Tavern in Edinburgh. Paul attended from the Campaigns team.
We are awaiting a response to the Scottish government’s consultation on changing permitted development rights in the planning system. We continue to speak with supportive MSPs about the need to close the loophole allowing the demolition of pubs without planning permission.
Scottish Pubs Code
The Scottish government is still working to a timetable of introducing the new statutory Scottish Pubs Code in May 2023. We are seeking further updates from civil servants on the aspects that they are still working through ahead of final decisions on what the code will look like.
Cross Party Group on Beer and Pubs – secretariat service provided in part by CAMRA
Paul, Ellie and Welsh regional director Chris Charters attended the Cross Party Group’s Tasting of Welsh Beers at the Coal Exchange, Cardiff. Economy minister Vaughan Gething was among the 11 MSs attending.
Local Government Committee inquiry into community assets
The Welsh Senedd's Local Government Committee has published its report into community assets. The report is available here: Community Assets (Senedd.Wales). We submitted a formal response to the committee earlier in the year, and chief executive Tom Stainer gave evidence as part of the inquiry.
The report calls on the Welsh government to set up a commission on community assets to make recommendations on improving processes, legislation, financial assistance and support packages for communities looking to take on the running of assets. The committee has also recommended a review of planning policy relating to community assets.
We will be writing to the Welsh planning minister to highlight the committee’s recommendations and to ask for swift action on increasing protections in the planning system for pubs. We will continue to lobby Senedd members as part of our planning campaign.
The Northern Ireland Executive and Assembly failed to be restored by the statutory deadline of 28 October. A new Assembly election will be taking place in the new year. Paul is working with the Northern Ireland branch to prepare a campaign to engage with candidates in the election and ask then to support our calls for the completion of licensing reforms and examination of competition issues.
Cam has been working on additional resources for branches to lobby licensing authorities over flexibility for licensees when choosing materials for non-glass pints with a view to securing a ban on plastic use in the long-term.
We’ve also worked with the organisation Plastic Planet to draw attention to the campaign. Press release at: “Plastic pints are rubbish” say consumer rights campaigners - CAMRA - Campaign for Real Ale
We held joint receptions at Labour and Conservative conferences with the All-Party Parliamentary Beer Group. Members of the National Executive, regional directors and local branch officers came to each event. Thanks to all the volunteers who attended and lobbied MPs.
That’s all for this PUBlic Affairs Round Up – we’ll be back in 2023. As always, if any CAMRA member wants campaigning advice or has questions about what we are up to, the Campaigns team is here to help – just email
Ellie Hudspith, Paul Edgeworth and Cam Weddell – the CAMRA Campaigns team.