Posts by: Roger Protz

Robust stout revival

When Cairngorm brewery stormed to victory with its Black Gold in CAMRA’s Champion Winter Beer competition it was further evidence of the astonishing r...

Reflections on announcing CAMRA competition results

Announcing the results of Champion Beer of Britain competitions can be a high-risk activity. I still recall with a shiver the occasion when I told the...

Ancient beer style breaks out of Yorkshire

Stingo is busting out all over. An ancient beer style, largely forgotten and confined to Yorkshire, its county of origin, is now making an appearance...

Goodbye to all that – it didn't last long

So, RIP Carlsberg Marston’s Brewing Company. It didn’t last long. Formed in 2020, like Monty Python’s famous parrot it is no more and has gone to meet...

Double Diamond brewer back in business

Allsopp’s, one of the most famous names in British brewing, along with its leading beers Pale Ale and IPA are being recreated by a descendant of the f...

Heineken flops as its Silver lager falters

The news may have bypassed your radar but Heineken has axed its Silver lager brand just two years after the launch. When the world’s second biggest br...

Neil Kellett – Campaign pioneer

Neil Kellett, a CAMRA pioneer who played a vital role in keeping the Campaign solvent and able to challenge the power of big brewers, has died suddenl...

Carlsberg’s wrecking ball swings again

Carlsberg is wrecking Britain’s brewing heritage. Not content with closing four ale breweries, it has now turned the blow torch on a raft of beers, se...

Kismet Hardy

It’s The Return of the Native – the launch of a new edition of Thomas Hardy’s Ale, the celebrated English barley wine that beer lovers feared might di...

Keep your eyes on the Prize

The launch of a new edition of Dark Star’s Prize Old Ale (9 per cent) cements a potent link with a family of English beers known as stock ales that da...

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