Posts by: Roger Protz

Heineken flops as its Silver lager falters

The news may have bypassed your radar but Heineken has axed its Silver lager brand just two years after the launch. When the world’s second biggest br...

Neil Kellett – Campaign pioneer

Neil Kellett, a CAMRA pioneer who played a vital role in keeping the Campaign solvent and able to challenge the power of big brewers, has died suddenl...

Carlsberg’s wrecking ball swings again

Carlsberg is wrecking Britain’s brewing heritage. Not content with closing four ale breweries, it has now turned the blow torch on a raft of beers, se...

Kismet Hardy

It’s The Return of the Native – the launch of a new edition of Thomas Hardy’s Ale, the celebrated English barley wine that beer lovers feared might di...

Keep your eyes on the Prize

The launch of a new edition of Dark Star’s Prize Old Ale (9 per cent) cements a potent link with a family of English beers known as stock ales that da...

The door’s ajar at the Last Chance Saloon

The grim spectre of Covid still has its bony hand on our shoulders. The impact of the pandemic and the lockdowns that followed delivered shocking blow...

Carlsberg juggernaut rolls on

Not content with closing Jennings, Wychwood and Ringwood breweries, Carlsberg now plans to axe the giant Banks’s brewery in Wolverhampton, famous for...

Coming up for air

The arrival of Fuller’s Vintage Ale is a cause for celebration, the beer lovers’ equivalent of the latest Bordeaux wine from France. Vintage Ale is li...

The Devil’s in the Draught Lines – review

We are still living in the shadow of the Covid pandemic and the lockdowns that followed. The sickness that gripped the country had a profound impact o...

Restoring Burton’s pride

Expansion is underway at Burton Bridge brewery. New brewing kit is waiting to be assembled to replace vessels that are leaking and no longer fit for p...

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