
Scottish brewers sweep the board

Scottish brewers took the top honours at the Society of Independent Brewers and Associates (SIBA) national beer awards in the cask, keg, and bottle/ca...

Seafood boil

The recent spell of sunshine certainly seemed to put a smile on everyone’s faces and it got me thinking of one of my all-time top dishes to eat outsid...

From garden shed to Tractor Shed

Crooked River brewery is to continue brewing Tractor Shed beers following the retirement of owner Graeme Mitchell in April plus has launched its own c...

Log on to Keep Cask Alive

Hop merchant Charles Faram is backing Keep Cask Alive, a seven-part documentary launched by the Craft Beer Channel. The project is not only a celebrat...

Freedom Toast’s new deal

Toast Brewing and Freedom brewery have joined forces to ensure the survival of their beers. Under the new licensing agreement, Freedom will exclusivel...

12 Irish stouts to say sláinte to this St Patrick’s Day! 

CAMRA has compiled a list of 12 stouts produced by some of the best independent brewers Ireland has to offer to celebrate St Patrick’s Day.  These can...

Missed opportunity

Heineken returning its cherished Beamish Irish stout to British pubs is unlikely to come as a surprise to anyone not living under a rock at the moment...

New brew’s on target

Devon's Powderkeg brewery has added the first of many new beers planned for 2025 to its range – Young Gun. The 3.4 per cent beer starts a series of am...

Find out about Finnish beer

Tickets are now available for a European Beer Consumers' Union (EBCU) webinar, part of its Continent of Beer Series. A Continent of Beer - Finland wil...

Eyes on the prize in Leeds

A Leeds brewery is hosting a beer festival “like no other” in collaboration with more than 30 breweries from across the country. Kirkstall’s Great Exh...

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