
Welcome to What’s Brewing Online, the digital news service from CAMRA!

We hope you enjoy exploring the new website and getting to grips with the new features.

The previous What’s Brewing website has undergone a major overhaul into a new dynamic digital platform, providing members with a new look and feel, easy to search for articles, greater ability to share video, audio and imagery, plus full mobile optimisation.

Once logged in, you will be able to select your news preferences, such as filtering by region or topic, and can opt-in to a regular email newsletter, bringing you updates straight to your inbox as regularly as you would like.

The site is still new and in beta testing - if you have any issues or notice any problems, please let us know on: wb.feedback@camra.org.uk

To learn more about CAMRA and to purchase CAMRA membership, visit: https://join.camra.org.uk/

Follow What’s Brewing Online on Twitter: @WBOnline_

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