
PUBlic Affairs round up – February

The regular PUBlic Affairs round-up returns with the Campaigns and Communications team’s latest  campaigning for pubs, pints and people across Westmin...

PUBlic Affairs round up – January

The PUBlic Affairs roundup is kicking off the new year with an update on what the Campaigns and Communications Team has been doing to fight for pubs,...

CAMRA calls for new government cash to save community locals

CAMRA is calling on the deputy prime minister Angela Rayner and her Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government to introduce a fund for comm...

Chairman's New Year message

This year has seen a great deal of change for the Campaign and, as I reflect on the last 12 months and my first end of year message as your national c...

No barley, no beer?

On 19 November more than 10,000 farm owners, their families, and employees gathered to protest in Westminster. Their motivation was the so-called Trac...

PUBlic Affairs round up – December

The regular PUBlic Affairs round up returns with 2024’s final update of the year, detailing what the Campaign for Real Ale’s (CAMRA) Campaigns and Com...

PUBlic Affairs round up – November

The regular PUBlic Affairs update series returns to What’s Brewing  covering CAMRA’s Campaigns and Communications Team’s campaigning efforts across We...

Pub gardens escape smoking ban

The Campaign has welcomed the news Labour is dropping plans to ban smoking in pub beer gardens as part of its Tobacco and Vapes Bill legislation. CAMR...

PUBlic Affairs Round Up – Budget Special 

The chancellor has delivered her first Budget – an event highly anticipated by many publicans, brewers and consumers.  It was a key event for CAMRA’s...

New move to increase small brewers’ access to pubs?

The Treasury is considering how to increase access to pubs for small brewers and may announce an industry consultation.  The government is considering...

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