
CAMRA’s General Election campaign

After weeks of campaigning for pubs, pints and people, the General Election is over, and Labour has taken over as the new UK government.   CAMRA’s Cam...

CAMRA calls for urgent action to save pubs

CAMRA is urging the minister for Housing and Communities to ensure community groups’ efforts to save pubs won’t be wasted. The Campaign has written to...

CAMRA vows to fight for beer consumers following election

CAMRA vows to continue its fight for fight for beer drinkers and local pubs across the UK as Labour wins the seats necessary to forma government. CAMR...

CAMRA’s campaign objectives backed

New research commissioned by the Campaign shows the strength of support for its manifesto’s three core asks: improved consumer rights, better access t...

CAMRA responds to party manifestos

In the run up to the General Election, CAMRA has responded to election manifestos where they have relevant commitments.

CAMRA calls for full-pint guarantee

CAMRA is urging political parties to give their backing to a change in the law to guarantee drinkers a full pint. Monday marked the 200th anniversary...

CAMRA urges candidates’ support for pubs, pints and consumer rights

CAMRA is making its mark in the 2024 General Election with the launch of its manifesto and e-lobby campaign. The Campaign is calling on its members to...

First minister’s pub invite

The newly appointed Scottish first minister John Swinney has been invited to a pub of his choice to discuss the issues facing the Scottish pub and bee...

Licensing hours bill progress

In January, my Licensing Hours Extension Bill moved another step closer to becoming an Act of Parliament, passing its second reading. The bill will en...

What'll you have, Vaughan?

CAMRA has invited the new first minister of Wales, Vaughan Gething (pictured) for a drink to discuss the future of the nation’s pubs. On the agenda ar...

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