Topical articles and pieces from a personal point of view.
Heineken returning its cherished Beamish Irish stout to British pubs is unlikely to come as a surprise to anyone not living under a rock at the moment...
Well according to something called an AI Overview (thanks Mr Google), the answer is “Beer is part of the British culture and economy, and it's unlikel...
The gentle hubbub of voices rises to greet me as I walk into the Malt Shovel. The fire is lit to ward off the February cold and the small, two-roomed...
When Cairngorm brewery stormed to victory with its Black Gold in CAMRA’s Champion Winter Beer competition it was further evidence of the astonishing r...
Everything is finite, and all good things must come to an end. Most people understand this, even if only subconsciously, and it’s why I think we cling...
Announcing the results of Champion Beer of Britain competitions can be a high-risk activity. I still recall with a shiver the occasion when I told the...
International Women’s Collaboration Brew Day (IWCBD) has been taking place since 2014. Women come together to brew a beer for release on International...
So, RIP Carlsberg Marston’s Brewing Company. It didn’t last long. Formed in 2020, like Monty Python’s famous parrot it is no more and has gone to meet...
According to estimates from the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) more than 120m pints of low and no alcohol beer were enjoyed by British consum...
The news may have bypassed your radar but Heineken has axed its Silver lager brand just two years after the launch. When the world’s second biggest br...