Posts by: John Porter

Encouraging growth in cask ale

A 10 per cent increase in the cask ale brewed by Britain’s independent brewers over the past year highlights an opportunity, according to a new report...

Old meets new with Knave’s Mumping brew

Brewer Henry Kirk (above) is on a mission to make Britain’s classic cask-ale styles as respected as the best Belgian beers. Kirk launched his new vent...

Does cask need the Madri effect?

Cask beer drinkers are far more ready and willing to pay a premium price for well-kept ale than most brewers or pubs believe. That's the view of beer...

New old ale back on the bar

One of Britain’s most renowned strong ales is back on the bar after more than a decade in the wilderness after Sussex-based Dark Brewery revived Prize...

Top guide’s star turn

As CAMRA marks the publication of the 50th edition of the Good Beer Guide, the Campaign has urged brewers and pub operators to use “the carrot, not th...

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