Posts by: Christian Gott

Seafood boil

The recent spell of sunshine certainly seemed to put a smile on everyone’s faces and it got me thinking of one of my all-time top dishes to eat outsid...

Brewer’s goulash

Fans of history will be well aware of the shifting state of borders and allegiances across Central Europe. Kingdoms, states and principalities came an...

Spicy beer pickle

It has just been half-term in our household and following tradition we made our Christmas cakes - yes, we have several, having first soaked the fruit...

Holy trinity of deliciousness

Summer is all about groups of friends socialising, maybe watching sport, barbecuing a feast of flavour or just grabbing a beer in a pub beer garden. I...

A bitter sweet symphony

It’s June 1997, and The Verve released their hit single Bitter Sweet Symphony. It is really quite a bleak song to be honest, but the title perfectly c...

Venison casserole with cherry beer and cheesy dumplings

Slow-cooked casseroles, stews and braises are a personal favourite as they develop layers of flavour. This venison casserole is cooked with root veget...

Jersey’s beer scene

Before I started this post, I worked out how many places on the island you could buy a decent pint of beer. For a relatively small landmass, just nine...

Beer barbecue sauce

Matching beer and food is very personal. Do you like dark beers, hoppy brews, blonde ales? Barbequed food, spicy dishes, fish, and seafood? Matching e...

Moules Ă  la Normande

This recipe is a classic dish from Normandy, in North-West France, and is a variation of the classic moules marinière using the cider produced in the...

Low alcohol treats

Like most people I look to kickstart a bit of a detox after the festive season. Who can forget all those epic Christmas ales with their punchy ABVs? S...

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