Victory in fight for long-overdue Scottish Pubs Code

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Victory in fight for long-overdue Scottish Pubs Code

CAMRA has welcomed the Scottish government’s decision to bring in a statutory Pubs Code from October. 

The Campaign’s Scotland director Stuart McMahon (pictured) said: “The announcement that the Scottish government recognises the importance of protecting pubs, the role they play in our communities and is now introducing a legal Pubs Code for Scotland, is fantastic news for licensees and pub-goers.

“As well as making sure tied tenants can earn a decent living, the new Pubs Code looks set to make it easier for them to sell more locally brewed beers, increasing choice at the bar for customers of tasty and distinctive products from small, local and independent breweries – particularly cask ale.

“These new protections in law are vital so tied tenants can make a long-term success of their pubs and shape the unique character of their businesses to become an integral part of their community. 

“This requires a balanced relationship between licensees and pub companies, preventing any unfair practices like pub companies taking more than is fair or sustainable from tied licensees’ profits or making it harder to sell a range of locally-brewed products.

“This fair deal for tied pub tenants to protect pubs at the heart of communities can only be achieved by a robust and long-overdue statutory Scottish Pubs Code and the new Pubs Code adjudicator to enforce it.”

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