CAMRA author’s beer tasting book signing

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CAMRA author’s beer tasting book signing

Beer writer Des de Moor is hosting a tasting and signing copies of his new book Cask: The real story of Britain’s unique beer culture at Ye Olde Mitre, Ely Place, London EC1N on Friday 20 October.

Des said: “Cask beer is at the heart of the great British pub – a unique format of live draught beer that, at its best and freshest, delivers a subtlety and complexity of flavour in session beers of modest strength unmatchable in any other way.

“Attendees at the event will be tasting and comparing a range of beers in a relaxed and informal setting, while I share some of the little-known history of cask, explain what makes it so special, and speculate on its future.

“Rarely found in the beer world at large, cask retains a significant commercial presence only in the UK, where it famously survived efforts by several big brewers to phase it out in the 1960s and 1970s, provoking a vociferous consumer campaign.

“Though in its home country it’s once again struggling to retain its profile amid a new wave of characterful, quality craft beers in keg, bottle and can, many brewers and drinkers remain fascinated with cask. This event, in conjunction with my new book, presents cask in detail to a new generation of drinkers.”

Ye Olde Mitre general manager Judith Norman said: “We might be a tiny pub, but we sell an awful lot of cask ale, and I know this event will be very popular with many of my customers. Des is very well known in cask beer circles, so if you want to come and learn something new and try some exceptional beers, you’ll need to get there early!”

The event is being held on a first-come-first-served basis, with a limit of 30 seats available on the night.

You can read more about the book at

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