Nik Antona stands down from National Executive

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Nik Antona stands down from National Executive

CAMRA national chairman Nik Antona is stepping down from his role with immediate effect due to serious illness. 

Nik (pictured) resigned his position as chairman and a National Executive (NE) member to concentrate on his treatment and recovery. 

CAMRA’s National Executive will now conduct an election to select a new national chairman. 

Nik has served as a CAMRA volunteer for more than two decades, giving his time to his local branch in Burton-on-Trent, as well as serving as a regional director, national director and most recently as national chairman for the last five and a half years. 

In a message to members Nik said: “It has been a privilege to serve as CAMRA chairman. It has been a challenging time for the organisation, but we have emerged from COVID and the cost-of-living crisis in as good a position as possible, thanks to the tireless dedication of our active members and volunteers, and the support of the wider membership across the country.” 

CAMRA vice-chairman Ash Corbett-Collins said: “I’d like to express my thanks to Nik on behalf of my colleagues on the National Executive and the wider membership, for the time and dedication he has shown to the Campaign over his long involvement with the organisation. Most recently he steered the organisation through the challenges of COVID and the cost-of-living crisis. 

“We all wish him a speedy recovery from his illness and look forward to welcoming him back as an active member of CAMRA soon.” 

CAMRA chief executive Tom Stainer said: “The entire CAMRA staff wishes Nik and his family well as he rightly focuses on treatment and recovery. Nik has led the organisation through one of its most challenging periods and we’d like to thank him for all his hard work in an incredibly difficult and often thankless role.” 

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