Search for top pub saviours starts
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Nominations for CAMRA’s Pub Saving Award, which celebrates and honours those who have rescued locals from demolition or conversion, are now open until mid-November.
In the wake of the Crooked House demolition, this award is more important than ever, as CAMRA and its volunteers campaign to keep pubs open – a vital heartbeat of communities across the UK.
One of the award’s main aims is to secure publicity for pub-saving campaigns and encourage others to rescue their local.
Competition coordinator Paul Ainsworth said: “This award shows the sheer determination and passion people have for our beloved pubs. We are seeing too many across the country close their doors against a backdrop of the cost-of-living crisis, energy bills and the shadow the pandemic continues to cast.
“However, determined campaigners across the country are working tirelessly behind the scenes and CAMRA wants to celebrate these amazing people, while inspiring others and highlighting the steps they can take to save their local.
“The Pub Saving Award aims to showcase the fantastic achievements of these community groups around the country and inspire others to fight to save their local pub from closure.”
The current winner is the Plough Inn, Longparish, Hampshire (pictured), a historic building dating back to 1721. Villagers sprang into action when it closed its doors in 2015, lobbying planning officers to deny planning permission to turn the pub into a residence.
Grants, donations and a community share scheme were sought – which attracted more than 300 investors – to purchase the pub, in conjunction with the parish council, in February 2021.
After months of hard work, refurbishing the property inside and out, and 300 years after it first began trading, the Plough Inn is once again at the heart of the Longparish community. Villagers have taken on a 99-year lease from the council for the exclusive use of the property to secure and safeguard the future of the Plough as a public house and promote it as an amenity of prime importance to the community.
The award can be made to any group which has carried out campaigning activity to save a pub from closure over the last 12 months. To enter the competition, visit: before 12 November.
You can find CAMRA’s Saving Your Local Pub guides, plus more resources and contacts for advice from