Push to enhance Local Inventory Project
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CAMRA's Pub Heritage Group (PHG) is encouraging branches to develop lists of pub and club interiors that retain elements of historic interest, but without enough of the original layout or historic features to qualify for the national inventory ((NI).
Several CAMRA branches, including Sheffield and Sunderland and South Tyneside, have already taken steps towards producing listings.
The group also hopes to see more local pub and club heritage articles and welcomes proposals for pubs to be included in the NI.
The local inventories are controlled by branches and the inclusion criteria is up to them. A branch could choose to include pubs:
– already on the national listings
– previously rated as pubs of “some regional interest” (SRI) but do not qualify as One Star pubs on the national listings
– which have original features, but insufficient to qualify for the national listings
– where the interior has no historic elements, but the exterior is either of high quality or has features of interest.
More information and resources are available on the PHG website. These includes a short introduction, a detailed document which provides practical answers to some of the detail and a short presentation which could be used at meetings.
The formal launch of the project will take place in Dundee at the forthcoming Members’ Weekend, AGM and Conference 2024.
Pictured: former first-class refreshment rooms at the Sheffield Tap