The Pull by Heather Wastie

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The Pull by Heather Wastie

CAMRA member and poet Heather Wastie’s well-poured beer poem.


Instructions from the ale wife:

The glass is the key to the beer’s nose.

Grease destroys the head.

A beer should never be poured straight down.

Remember what I said.


Approach the pump.

For a stout

place the glass on the drip tray.

With lager or bitter

hold the glass at 40 degrees.

For real ale make sure

the nozzle’s well down

for the further it falls

the more it will foam.

A beer should never be poured straight down.

Remember what I said.


Pull down strongly and smoothly

then make sure the nozzle is clear of the beer.

Three or four pulls will fill the glass

but don’t stop till it overflows

as the foaming head will cloud your view.

The foaming head will cloud your view.

Listen to what I’m telling you.


The head should measure at least a quarter of an inch

and if the beer is light and clear with a polished hue

your fingertips should be visible through the glass.


But the foaming head will cloud your view.

The foaming head will cloud your view.

Listen to what I’m telling you.

A beer should never be poured straight down.

Remember what I said.


Heather Wastie was born in the Black Country and lived there for 50 years before moving to Kidderminster in 2006. She was writer in residence at the Museum of Carpet in 2013 and the Worcestershire poet laureate 2015/16 and has published eight poetry collections. The Pull was written during a project in 2010 researching the history and culture of the British pub. For more, see

Have you written a poem about your favourite beer or pub, or written a story praising real ale or your local that you'd like to be considered for publication then please send to

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