Race against time to save the historic coaching inn
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Residents in Limpley Stoke and neighbouring communities in Wiltshire are racing against time to raise the money needed to save the Hop Pole pub.
The campaigners have until 15 February to raise the more than £360,000 needed to save the pub.
The 16th-century inn is the last pub left in the village and closed its doors in 2018. If the campaign to save it cannot raise the money needed, it is likely to be sold to a housing developer.
A not-for-profit community charity has launched a share issue to raise the money need to purchase the pub on behalf of the local community.
Five residents, (pictured) James Sibson, Lucy Poloniecka, Simon Coombe, Sally Humpston and Nick Humpston are on the steering group of the Limpley Stoke Community Benefit Society.
Simon Coombe said: “If we fail to receive enough funds by this date, we will lose our historic coaching inn to a developer who will convert it into housing.
“If this happens, the share issue will be cancelled and all funds returned. However we are confident that, with your support, we will succeed in buying the Hop Pole and converting it back into a vibrant community-owned pub at the heart of this community.
“Already, more than 100 people have applied to buy shares and we have raised just over half the amount needed but we still have a long way to go.”
Coombe says the society’s campaign has had support from around the globe, including Australia, Canada, the USA and Vietnam.
Wiltshire councillor Johnny Kidney said: “I will do absolutely everything I can to assist in launching and championing a successful bid to take on this pub and secure its future as a hub of Limpley Stoke village life.”
The society hopes to manage the Hop Pole as a successful business and reinvest profits back into the community.
The campaigners are also hoping for a grant for the Asset of Community Value-listed pub from the government's Community Ownership Fund.
For further details and to apply for shares go to the Save The Hop Pole website at www.savethehoppole.org