Top CAMRA campaigner appointed lord mayor

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Top CAMRA campaigner appointed lord mayor

A previous winner of CAMRA’s prestigious Campaigner of the Year award is the new lord mayor of Stoke-on-Trent.

Lyn Sharpe, who was sworn in at the annual council meeting, said: “This will be extra special as we are heading towards our centenary year in 2025. We are planning so many wonderful events that acknowledge our proud past at the same time looking towards our future as a great city. I am excited and acknowledge it’s going to be a busy but demanding year and I am ready for the challenge.

“If you see me about, come and say hello duck and shout about our historic six towns!”

Lord mayor Lyn, will raise money for Emmaus North Staffs which supports more than 800 households with essential furniture and appliances and Period Power.

She is also involved in her community and volunteers at the local food bank. She also supports Fenton Town Hall and the arts at Restoke and was recently involved with the Odyssey project in conjunction with the National Theatre.


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