Carlsberg puts Ringwood up for sale

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Carlsberg puts Ringwood up for sale

The restructuring of the UK’s cask beer scene continues apace as Carlsberg Marston’s Brewing Company (CMBC) has revealed plans to sell its Ringwood brewery in Hampshire.

Under the proposals, the Ringwood brewery and the Ringwood beer brands – including Razorback, Old Thumper, Boondoggle and Fortyniner – would be put on the market. CMBC’s logistics operation at Ringwood is due to close with deliveries relocated to CMBC’s depots at Tiverton and Farnborough, with support from its Cardiff site.

Best known for its cask ales and boar mascot present across all the brewery’s beers, Ringwood was founded in 1978, and after outgrowing its original premises, moved to the current site in 1986.

CAMRA national chairman Nik Antona said: “Ringwood has been a stalwart of the British brewing scene for decades, being one of the first cask ale producers in the country. I sincerely hope whoever takes up the reins continues with its long-standing, valued traditions. 

“It is encouraging that brewing of its flagship beers will still take place on the site while a new buyer is sought. It is important to note the reasons for selling is not due to a failing business, but the current owners wanting to expand other areas of its operations which is not possible at the current location.  

“CAMRA campaigns for pubs, pints and people – we never want to see the closure of any brewery as too many across the country are closing their doors. This can have a detrimental impact on local communities, including employment as well as the social benefits a tap can bring. I hope it continues to thrive under new ownership, who will honour the production of the Ringwood live beers consumers have come to love and respect. 

“Ringwood has been hugely successful over the years. CAMRA will be keeping a watchful eye on the sale and will be urging whoever takes over to ensure these traditions remain at the heart of its operations. It would be a sad day for beer enthusiasts if this was not the case. 

“Ringwood’s Old Thumper was Supreme Champion Beer of Britain in 1988, an accolade awarded at CAMRA’s Great British Beer Festival Winter.” 

CBMC CEO Paul Davies said: “This is not a decision we have taken lightly – we have incredible respect for the effort and dedication of the team at Ringwood.

“However, the brewery’s location in a residential area makes expansion complicated, and as such the investment required to bring its capacity and capability up to the level we need for our business is too great to be a viable path for CMBC. To ensure our future growth and simplify the business, we are looking for a new owner for Ringwood in the brewing industry, including its excellent range of local ales.

“We are confident that, by taking these actions now, we can ensure we continue to grow, innovate and deliver great beers across the UK, putting us in the best possible position to achieve success now and in the future.

“We have informed colleagues affected by these proposals at the brewery and our priority now is to support them through this process, and to begin the search for the right buyer for Ringwood.”

In October, CAMRA attacked CMBC plans to close the historic Jennings brewery, Cockermouth and make the staff redundant.

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