Brewers urged to join fundraising for Ukraine refugees

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Brewers urged to join fundraising for Ukraine refugees

CAMRA member Robert Longley wants to see more breweries and pubs supporting schemes to raise funds for people affected by the Ukraine crisis and is backing the Mighty Oak brewery’s latest initiative.

Robert said: “I am married to a Ukrainian, her son is in Kiev and his wife and child have made it into Poland. I therefore have a personal interest in current events. Mighty Oak has kindly agreed to brew a special beer to raise funds for this humanitarian crisis.”

“Mighty Oak has suggested, and I believe CAMRA should fully support this, that all breweries in the UK should rise to the challenge and raise funds for charitable Ukrainian institutions. The position is desperate.

“Please follow Mighty Oak’s lead and act now to alert our breweries.”

A Mighty Oak board meeting has upped its contribution to £5 a barrel since our image was created.

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